Wednesday, 1 January 2025


1. Your best self is right beyond your comfort zone.

2. Be nice to people who are hateful, they need it the most.

3. Don’t burn bridges, we live in a small world.

4. Never be afraid of your feelings. They are there for a reason.

5. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life.

6. The strength you have within is enough to fight your battles.

7. Having something to lose makes life worth living.

8. Rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path.

9. Practice moderation IN EVERYTHING and I really mean EVERYTHING. Even in things you may consider “positive”, “healthy” or “good”. That guy who spends 7 days a week in the gym, thinking he is on top of his fitness game isn’t doing it right. That guy who is at work until 9 PM and gets home when his kids are already sleeping isn’t doing it right. That guy who is up until 3 am choking his chicken even though he has work/school in the morning isn’t doing it right. No one wishes they had spent more time at the gym, the office, or jerking off on their deathbed. MODERATION IS KING OF THE UNIVERSE.

10. Do not buy new cars, the best deal is a slightly used, low mileage car.

11. Do not buy new gadgets. They are half-off the following year.

12. Do not day-trade, invest for the long-term. Day-trading has a 100% failure rate.

13. Study Philosophy. The earlier you get into it, the better your life will be. Quite literally, the term philosophy means "lover of wisdom" from greek philo = “lover of” and sophia = “wisdom”. Need some mentors? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and many others have been mentoring people for hundreds/thousands of years!

14. How to keep in shape without a diet: Keep your food portions small and eat 6–8 times per day vs 3 huge meals. How big should a single food portion be? Clinch your hand into a fist. In terms of proteins, your fist size is one food portion. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten as much as you want!

15. If you are a creative person, do not buy into the whole “must wake up at 4 am to be successful” mentality of CEOs. Corporate CEOs are non-creative type of people who are hired to keep the lights on, not to create things. Their schedules demand regimentation while the creative schedule demands exploration. Do not confuse the two.

16. The money problem is very easy to solve if you think CREATIVELY. People who have 9–5 jobs think linearly and like to follow easy rules. Creative people create their own rules.

17. The best lifehack to become wealthy is starting a high-growth company and making it succeed. There is absolutely no better alternative. As a founder, you buy your company’s stock at close to nothing (cents!). Years later it could be worth billions! AMAZING!

18. The second best wealth lifehack would be investing in such a company early on but you must already be wealthy for this to work and you give up control as you don’t actually run the company yourself.

19. If you’re unable to do any of the two suggestions above, the third best wealth lifehack is to become a financial monk and SAVE + INVEST every penny you earn. Google “F.I.R.E.” and join the movement. The earlier in life you start, the better.

20. If you are female, read non-fiction more. If you are male, read fiction more.

21. Real love is one soul in two bodies.

22. Whatever feeds the ego, kills the soul.

23. Surround yourself with people who are better than you. That way you become better by association.

24. Make sure you make time for laughter in your life. Schedule it if you are busy but don’t miss out on it.

25. Practice becoming an effective communicator. 90% of the problems in the world can be fixed with better communication. 99% of all human conflicts can be attributed to bad communication. It is probably one of the most taken-for-granted attributes of existence.

26. If you want to raise children that are creative, let them be kids. Give them enough playtime and exploratory time. Do not overburden them with stuff YOU as a parent want them to do. Remember Michael Jackson? He was basically an adult child because his childhood was robbed of him.

27. If you are an atheist/agnostic looking for a way to become more mentally resilient and/or improve your mental well-being, look into Zen which is a philosophy of “being in peace with yourself” and provides for some spiritually without religion. Google or YouTube “Alan Watts” to get started.

28. If you are male, find a woman with a brain. They all have vaginas. If you are female, find a man with lots of money, you can be their brain!

29. Buying flowers is way cheaper than a divorce. Don’t be irrational.

30. Don’t just speak about doing something. Do them! Then speak about it while you are showing it off to people.

31. Remember: In a world of change, not taking a risk is risky itself.

32. Courage is knowing it might hurt and doing it anyway.

33. Don’t think of failure as failure, think of it as a stepping stone to success.

34. Complaining is not a strategy. It’s a coping mechanism. Those who are able to change, change. Those who do not, complain.

35. If you are female, refrain from gossiping. Every time you gossip, you reduce your social status with the people you do the gossiping with.

36. The worst decisions are made when people are emotional. Count to 10 if you are upset. Count to 100 if you are really upset. Sleep over it just to be safe.

37. Remember, only hurt people hurt people.

38. Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.

39. Turn off the news. If something super important happens, you will hear it from someone around you. Worrying about things you cannot control is a waste of time/energy and contributes greatly to unnecessary stress in your life.

40. You must make time for meaningful growth. If you are not growing, you are stagnating. It doesn’t have to be huge things, just watching a TED talk or reading a book can contribute to your growth. Become a life-long learner.

41. Nothing that’s worthwhile is easy but with practice/experience, anything hard can become easy.

42. Find something you love to do first. Worry about making money second. You have found your life-work if what you think, say, and do are in harmony.


1. Once you get attached to someone, you are fucked!

2. Don't take any major decision when u are angry, wait for at least 12 hours and then respond .

3. Social media has led to sadness in youth because of comparison.

4. Behind every success lies broken friend ship, promises, loneliness .. you have to survive through it!

5. Sadness is temporary, this too shall pass away!

6. Your parents may make unfair decisions, but their intention is never wrong.

7. Looks do matter in majority cases.

8. Talk to yourself in morning in front of the mirror, it may seem crazy but has psychologically improving outcomes.

9. Consider everyone around you as temporary, this will help you create less damaging impact.

10. When you think life is unfair with you, there are thousands of people having 10x worst situation than you do!


1. Smart people think they can solve every problem with pure intellect.

2. Rich people think they can solve every problem by throwing money at it.

3. Good people think they can solve every problem with kindness and love But, life is usually a tad more complicated than that.

4. Effective solutions often combine intellectual thought , resources , and compassion.

5. You can never be sure of other people’s intent, thoughts, and feelings . Normalize being okay with letting people think whatever they want about you.

6. You can’t be sure of the outcome of a particular event , but living a life of paralyzing fear/ fear of unknown is not a life worth living.

7. You can’t predict the future , but you can reasonably predict what kind of person you’ll be ten years from now.


1. The first thing you should buy once you’ve money is a healthier lifestyle.

2. Someone who destroys your mental health cannot be the love of your life.

3. You’ve to chase money hard because life asks you for it non-stop . Financial independence will buy you audacity.

4. Biggest lesson in life : don’t ever think it can’t happen to you.

5. Life humbled so many of parents who thought their children were better than others.

6. You need a bit of ignorance to enjoy life ; too much knowledge will leave you depressed.

7. People around you, constantly under the pull of their emotions , change their ideas by the day or by the hour , depending on their mood . You must never assume what people say or do in a particular moment is a statement of their permanent desires.

8. Normalize lying to people who ask too much about your private life.


1: Shave 30 seconds off everything you microwave. Always better a bit too cold than to burn the top bit of skin off the top of your mouth.

2: Ex for a reason. If that person was right for you, you wouldn't have broken up. All too often people make up a narrative in their head to get back with an ex. But you're just trying to circumnavigate the uncomfortable situation of finding someone new.

3: If you can't be on time, be early.

4: If you're travelling on a public bus or train. Sit on the isle seat and leave the window seat empty. If you sit on the window seat, people will sit next to you. ALMOST NO ONE will ask you to move so they can sit on the window seat. 

5: It's normal to be scared to do things, it's not normal to do it despite being scared. To be above normal, to be extra-ordinary, you just act when most people wouldn't.

6: Brush your teeth in the shower. It's ultimate multi-tasking. You'll also find you brush your teeth on average >2x a day now because it will feel weird to have a mid afternoon shower without brushing.

7: The 5 minute rule. If you feel like having a nap, but you're not sure. Lay down somewhere comfy for 5 minutes. If you're still awake after 5 minutes, you probably didn't need a nap. If you're asleep, you probably did.

8: Reach out to that person you fell out with. Life is too short, just make up and get on with it. If they respond being petty, fair enough. But chances are you've outruled a good friend for the sake of pride.


1. Appearance can often shape first impressions, but it rarely captures the true essence or depth of a person's character.

2. Nobody can love you with the same unconditional depth and enduring commitment as your parents.

3. No one will come to save you in your hard time. No matter its your close friends or relatives, they might just help if they want to or they are willing to [only few times].

4. No matter how much you've done for your close friends or loved ones, a single hurtful word spoken in anger can overshadow your positive actions and leave a lasting negative impact.

5. A Girl can easily get 100k view and 10k likes in Instagram, Youtube by uploading her image, dance, reels but a boy will never get 1k views even. That’s the algorithm and people pulse designed in social media.

6. Relationships and Marriages are not always happy.

7. We can get good education only if you are financially stable and ready to invest in schools and colleges. Education is now a business across the globe.

8. Reservation system is killing the development of India. This is still going with Government exam preparation aspirants especially General Category.

9. People are not interested in what they need. People are interested in what they want.

10. Expectations on anything will definitely hurts.


1. Whatever you are doing for someone will not be remembered at last.

2. No one will stand with you if you are depressed. It’ll be your own battle.

3. One wrong step can destroy everything you build from many years.

4. Suffer more if you are not self aware!!

5. If you are a man, struggling financially will directly affect the relationships you are in.

6. Money is everything!!


1. When you're winning, it's best to stay quiet and not brag about it.

2. It's better to keep your plans to yourself and let your actions show the results.

3. Don't expect everyone to be kind and give back the same way you do.

4. Every day when you wake up, your job is to try and be better than you were yesterday.

5. You won't get what you want until you appreciate and are thankful for what you already have.

6. Sometimes, it's okay to let go of things you're holding onto tightly.

7. If you want to buy things without worrying about the cost, work hard and don't watch the clock.

8. People come into your life for a reason, and sometimes they leave for a better reason.

9. When things get tough, it's a sign that you have something special inside you. Bad things don't happen to empty hearts.

10. When you start doing what's best for yourself, some people might get upset with you.

11. When you're really focused on your goals, you might lose some friends along the way.

12. Life doesn't become easier, but you become stronger to handle whatever comes your way.


1. Smoking/Alcoholism: Trust me. This is the worst thing you can ever do to yourself. When you light a cigarette, Your life burns with it.

2. Never treat someone badly just because of their physical appearance, status, job, skin color, your own prejudices, and judgment.

3. Never start hating anybody: Just forgive them for what they are and move on! 

4. Never Waste time - you can't get it back.


1.Nothing is permanent, everything stays with us for a reason.

2. Life never goes without facing problems.

3. In most of the cases, you will have to suffer from heartbreak.

4.With each passing year you are becoming older.

5.No one can love you more than your parents.

6.Difficulties increases as we grow older.

7.Each one have to die one day so live your life to the fullest.

8.You can’t keep happy to each and every person who are in your life.


1. Nothing can stand the test of time. Eventually, everything must finally, and sadly, come to an abrupt end.

2. Do you want to know the latest drug? It’s called social media.

3. Everyone must finally discover the ultimate horror of having sex.

4. Never pin your hopes on empty promises. Empty promises are things that did not exist in the first place.

5. What really matters is not believing in yourself. It is trusting yourself.

6. Most people feed themselves from their necks down, but what really contributes to our growth is feeding ourselves from the neck up.

7. Have you ever considered why we’ve been watching TV for decades and not yet experienced any change? Because TV was not designed to bring change. It was designed to make us illiterate.

8. Most people think that change is something that jumps out of the pages of a textbook into the mind. Change is actually something that the mind conceives from within.

9. You are one of 3 things — you will never change, or you will watch others change, or you will become the change.

10. Death was never the greatest tragedy. The greatest tragedy is to live in this life and never show up.

11. The majority of people fall in love through the eyes the first time. That means you should be very careful who you let your eyes come into contact with.

12. The best way to judge a woman's loyalty is when her man has nothing. The best way to judge a man's loyalty is when he has everything.

13. Fortunes do not necessarily change men as much as it unmasks them.

14. Bullying is for people who have no confidence in themselves. The reason they do it is to try and shake off their own demons.

15. To fall in love is awfully simple, but to fall out of love is simply awful.

16. Retirement is when the living is easy and the payments are hard.

17. Best friends are like diamonds; precious and rare. Bad friends are like tree leaves; they’re found everywhere.

18. A stranger stabs you in the front; A friend stabs you in the back; A boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.

19. The daily grind of hard work gets a person polished but also emaciated and painfully tired.

20. Kissing is the merging of two lips, two souls and two spirits that makes them one.

21. Siblings are the only enemy you can't live without.

22. Denial is the way we know best how to handle that which we don’t comprehend.

23. Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social; they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people.

24. Love is like a tornado; it sweeps you off your feet and sometimes takes half your house.

25. Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who wouldn't give up on them.

26. You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.

27. Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.

28. Why do people say “no offense" just before they’re about to offend you?

29. The secret of discovery is not in looking for new lands, but in looking at existing land with new eyes.

30. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.


1. Accept your reality . At some point you’ve to let people go before they destroy you as person.

2. Sometimes you’ve got to set the limits to become limitless.

3. She’ll treat you exactly how you let her treat you. Let that sink for a second. It sounds brief & cryptic but it’s not. It’s 100%.

4. Our bodies can handle anything, it’s our minds we’ve to convince.

5. Women do not deceive men . We use women to deceive ourselves . Be more invested in not deceiving yourself.

6. Make your reaction to negative situations positive.

7. Fall in love with self-improvement , & what could be a chore becomes a pleasure.

8. Being kind to yourself is the most precious thing that you can do to maintain your well-being & your happiness.

9. If you want to be too open with your emotions , hold on . It’s a trap, don’t do it.

10. Be with someone that carry & respect your name as much as you do.



1:- No one cares about you unless you are beautiful , rich or popular.

2:—The amount of money you have determines the amount of " respect” you'll get from the people.

3:—Nobody wants to be friend with poor people.

4:-Tell a sweet lie , everyone loves you , tell them the bitter truth , they consider you so rude.

5:-Age doesn't guarantee intelligence. It comes through experiencing different kind of situations at different times.

6:-You need to learn how to stop telling people things they don't deserve to know. Speak a bit less.

7:-People will hug you in front and will stab you at your back . Be careful!

8:—Nothing lasts forever. Everything is temporary.

9:-We chase for money all our lives but we die empty handed.

10:-Only few of your so called friends want to see you succeed. Rest of them are there just to see you fall.

11:-People do get bullied for their race , caste , religion and it is the hardest truth of life.

12:-You can't remain young everytime , you have to grow old and that's the rule of life .

13:-People don't want to take anyones opinion ,they'll just hear what they want to.

14:-Jealousy comes in jokes. Just pay attention.

15:—Your friends are the people who will be the most jealous by your success. Friends with whom you are wasting all your important time will slowly turn into contacts and slowly will be forgotten.


1. Your future needs you. Your past doesn’t.

2. Everything’s okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end.

3. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.

4. Life is nothing but an electron looking for a place to rest.

5. There will be a person fit you better than your favorite sweater.

6. Don’t plant a seed in their heart that you’re not prepared to water and care for.

7. No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself.

8. If you’re unhappy without it, you probably won’t be happy with it either.

9. It’s okay to forgive and still deny them access to you.

10. Owning less is great. Wanting less is even better.


1. Never get into consumer debt

2. Never buy a car to impress people

3. Never stay friends with a person who makes more negative statements than positive ones

4. Never forget to run zig zag when being chased by an alligator

5. Never forget Mother’s Day

6. Never do drugs

7. Never place more value on clothes than manners

8. Never die without a will

9. Never drink so much you can’t remember what happened

10. Never look at your phone at the dinner table

11. Never go more than a week without reading a book

12. Never end the day without telling your children you love them